September 15, 2021
Breakfast is brain food! ALL TCS students can receive a FREE SCHOOL BREAKFAST!

August 23, 2021
Dear Parents and Stakeholders of Tallassee City Schools, Our district is beginning to see an increase of Covid-19 cases. Our goal is to maintain in-person learning for each stude...

August 20, 2021
New TCS Home Football Game Procedures. PARENTS, READ PARENTS!! Do not drop off students 8th grade or under unsupervised! They will not be allowed to enter the facility and you w...

July 25, 2021
The Tallassee High School Class of 1971 held their 50 th reunion this evening. It was exciting to be the guest speaker for the class of ’71! I enjoyed hearing the stories of th...

July 20, 2021
Please view the Tallassee City Schools 21-22 Traditional Reopening Plan by clicking on the following link.
21-22 Traditional Reopening Plan

July 6, 2021
The Tallassee City Schools Fishing Team will hold an interest meeting Thursday, July 22nd at 6 pm. The meeting will be held at the Tallassee Elementary School Cafeteria.
• An...
June 17, 2021
"Child Find program to benefit students with disabilities:
The Tallassee City School System is launching its annual campaign to assist children—birth to age 21—who have disabil...

June 16, 2021
The Tallassee City Schools Curriculum & Instruction Department is honored to introduce Mrs. Mari Beth Haynes as the District Curriculum and Technology Specialist. Mrs. Jasmine Dum...

May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021
The Tallassee City Board of Education is accepting sealed bids for the following Consumer Science classroom items. Bids will be opened on Friday, May 28th at the B...

May 21, 2021
Mr. Glass comes to Tallassee High School from Wetumpka High School where he’s served as an Assistant Principal for the last five years. He is the recipient of the Alabama Secondar...
May 17, 2021
Tallassee City Schools will destroy all special education records of students who are 21 years of age or older and who exited Tallassee City Schools prior to June 2016.