Southside Middle School would like to congratulate our students who made 2nd Quarter Honor Roll! Great job, scholars! Keep POPping, SMS!
1 day ago, Brittany Spencer
Update: New Practice ACAP Dates for SMS are February 3rd & 4th!
1 day ago, Brittany Spencer
ACAP Practice
Congratulations to our SMS POP Star, Mrs. Nelson! Her colleagues voted for her to receive this award because of her constant willingness to go above and beyond to help others as well as her dedication to her students! Keep POPping, SMS!
7 days ago, Brittany Spencer
Congratulations to Cooper Baxley for being named the Southside Middle School Spelling Bee Champion! He will now advance to the Elmore County Spelling Bee that will take place in February. Great job to all of our students who participated in our school Bee!
7 days ago, Brittany Spencer
Spelling Bee
Progress Over Perfection SMS is making HUGE strides in attendance improvement! We only have 4 students who are chronically absent! Last year at this time, we had 14 students. The year before, there were 50! Thank you to our students, parents, & staff for making attendance a priority! Keep POPping! #Under18Challenge
10 days ago, Brittany Spencer
Attendance Blast
Congratulations to Hattie Ward, our SMS Scholar of the Week! We are so very proud of how hard she is working to maintain her best in the classroom! Keep POPping!
15 days ago, Brittany Spencer
Scholar of the Week
We had a great first day back at SMS today! Parents, save the dates for our ACAP Practice Test coming up later this month. Being present, punctual, & ready are key! Thank you!
18 days ago, Brittany Spencer
ACAP Practice Dates
Information for the SMS Dance Team Parent Meeting. Sign up sheets will be in the SMS Office now until January 16th, 2025. Students must currently be in 6th and 7th grade.
21 days ago, Rikki Wisener
SMS Dance
Southside Middle School PTO would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our Christmas Countdown for the SMS Staff! It's been an incredible 2 weeks of showing appreciation and celebrating their hard work.
about 1 month ago, Brittany Spencer
countdown thank you
SMS enjoyed our special visitors today! The TES Purple Ambassadors sang Christmas carols to us, and they did a phenomenal job! Thank you for visiting and demonstrating such great student leadership!
about 1 month ago, Brittany Spencer
Purple Ambassadors sing carols
SMS 8th Grade Students experienced a budgeting exercise today with GEAR Up Achieve Liaison, Ms. Imma Sanders. Students were given an income based on a career, required monthly expenses, & savings. Students then considered how budgeting for Christmas would impact their spending.
about 1 month ago, Brittany Spencer
GEAR UP Achieve
SMS would like to congratulate Isaiah Cooper for being selected as our Scholar of the Week! His teachers wanted him to be recognized for how hard he works each and every day to make progress on his academic achievements! Way to go! Keep POPping, SMS!
about 1 month ago, Brittany Spencer
Scholar of the Week
SMS is proud to announce our Scholar of the Week-Aliyah Tatum! Her teachers selected her for this honor because of her dedication to making progress each and every day! Keep POPping, SMS!
about 1 month ago, Brittany Spencer
Scholar of the Week
SMS 7th Grade enjoyed a field trip to our beautiful Alabama State Capitol, the Museum of Alabama, & the Heflin-Torbert Judicial Building. It was such a great experience for our students! Thank you to the staff, chaperones, & tour guides who made today possible!
about 1 month ago, Brittany Spencer
7th Grade Field Trip
Southside Middle School would like to recognize our POP Star, Mrs. Kuehndorf! She was voted by her colleagues to receive this award because of her commitment to remaining positive, helping others, and being committed to SMS students! Thank you for all you do!
about 2 months ago, Brittany Spencer
POP Star
Congratulations to Zion Alleyne for being selected as our SMS Scholar of the Week! Her teachers wanted her to be recognized for her hard work in the classroom to maintain academic excellence! Keep POPping, SMS!
about 2 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Scholar of the Week
SMS Band presented a beautiful Christmas Concert last night at the TPAC! We are very proud of the hard work the students & SMS Band Director, Ms. Perry have poured into the pieces they performed! We also appreciate the support shown by the families & friends who attended!
about 2 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Band Concert
Band Concert
Band Concert
Congratulations to our SMS Scholar of the Week, Marcella Skipper! Her teachers wanted her to be recognized for her incredible work ethic to maintain academic success! Keep up the great work!
about 2 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Scholar of the Week
Congratulations to our SMS Band members who auditioned and were accepted into the 2024 Elmore County Honor Band! These students will perform January 17-18, 2025. Well done, SMS musicians!
about 2 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Honor Band
The SMS Band will present their annual Christmas Concert this Thursday evening at the Tallassee Performing Arts Center at Tallassee High School at 6:30 p.m.! We look forward to seeing you there!
about 2 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Christmas Concert